Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Loco viejo things

Let's talk about attention. Pictured is the physical embodiment of such a thing, all tyrant, olive-skinnned, laughing, roaring, doing whatever it is that three-year-olds do. But he's a now a big-brother, and we must count ourselves as enemies, opponents competing for the attention (of my project partners, his parents). I don't stand a chance.

The other day, I mistakenly (read: on purpose) told my little friend that his sister is actually mine, as is his golden mane of hair and that little nose. He responded, "Mira coño, loco viejo, ella es mía, ese peló mío, este nariz mía. Sucio loco viejo coño!"

I'd wash his mouth out with soap... if I had any.